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SC issues guidelines on prisons reforms
SC upholds amendments to Haryana Panchayati Raj
qualifications based on education and property introduced click here
SC ST PoA Act amended
new offences have been added to the act, amongst other things click here
Amendments to Juvenile Justice Act
children in the age group of 16-18 to be tried as adults-----children in the age group of 16-18 to be tried as adults-----children in the age group of 16-18 to be tried a... click here
Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence Act, 2005 - Hamara Kanoon
The video is part of the 'Hamara Kanoon' series, an year long project undertaken by Ms. Avani Bansal to explain some major laws in simple language, so as to create legal awareness and increase access to justice. This video provides an overview of the Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence Act, 2005
courtesy: Avani Bansal
Founding Partner - Avani Bansal Chambers (ABC)
Email: avani.hnlu@gmail.com | abansal@llm16.law.harvard.edu
Law on Sedition in India - Hamara Kanoon
This video is part of the 'Hamara Kanoon' project which is a year long project to explain some main laws in simple language. The idea is to make laws accessible for people and to create legal awareness. This video gives an overview of the law on sedition in India under Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
courtesy: Avani Bansal
Founding Partner - Avani Bansal Chambers (ABC)
Email: avani.hnlu@gmail.com | abansal@llm16.law.harvard.edu
Maintenance Under Section 125 of CrPC, 1973 - Hamara Kanoon
This video is part of the 'Hamara Kanoon' project which is a year long project to explain some main laws in simple language. The idea is to make laws accessible for people and to create legal awareness. This video gives an overview of Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), 1973 which provides for the right to maintenance of wives, children and parents.
courtesy: Avani Bansal, Advocate
Founding Partner - Avani Bansal Chambers (ABC)
Email: avani.hnlu@gmail.com | abansal@llm16.law.harvard.edu
Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act, 2012 - Hamara Kanoon
This video is part of the 'Hamara Kanoon' project which is a year long project to explain some main laws in simple language. The idea is to make laws accessible for people and to create legal awareness. This video gives an overview of the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
courtesy: Avani Bansal, Advocate
Founding Partner - Avani Bansal Chambers (ABC).
Email: avani.hnlu@gmail.com | abansal@llm16.law.harvard.edu
Consumer Rights in India - Hamara Kanoon
The video is part of the 'Hamara Kanoon' project which is a year long project to explain some main laws in simple language. The idea is to make laws accessible for people and to create legal awareness. This video provides an overview of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 with a focus on the rights of the consumers under the Act.
courtesy: Avani Bansal
Founding Partner - Avani Bansal Chambers (ABC)
Email: avani.hnlu@gmail.com | abansal@llm16.law.harvard.edu
Upendra Baxi: Social Action Litigation
Taking Suffering Seriously: Social Action Litigation in the Supreme Court i... Read more...
Usha Ramanathan : Feminist Jurisprudence
Reasonable man, Reasonable woman and reasonable expectations
Amendment to SC ST PoA
Recently passed amendments to the 1989 Act click here
Juvenile Justice Amendment
as passed by lok sabha click here
Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
The Act click here
MP rules, Persons with Disabilities
MP rules, Persons with Disabilities
RTI Application
template of an RTI application (general) click here
PIL for protecting interests of Amreli Flood Victims 2015
A PIL for assessing the damage after the flood, for rehabilitation of those... click here
Gayatri, State Coordinator, Chhattisgarh
Meet Gayatri, a lawyer from Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Arvind, Coordinator, Coastal Intervention
Meet Arvind, the face of the coastal rights intervention in Gujarat Read More...
Vipender Vanpuria, Advocate, Khurai
Meet Vipendra, Advocate from Khurai, Madhya Pradesh
Katira, Paralegal, Coastal Intervention
Meet Katira, paralegal from Centre for Social Justice\'s coastal intervention Read More...

Susheel, Advocate, Sagar
Susheel, the coordinator for Kanooni Margdarshan Kendra, Sagar talks about his views on law as a profession Read More...

Shobharam, Advocate, Raipur Unit
Meet Shobharam, lawyer, working with Centre for Social Justice Read More...
Case studies under Industrial Disputes Act
to be used in trainings on labour rights click here
Case studies on labour law
to be used in tranings on labour rights click here
Case studies On SC ST PoA Act
to be used in trainings on Dalit Rights click here
Application based questionnaire
An assessment tool for lawyers working on social justice for identifying th... click here
Direct Questionnaire
An assessment tool for identifying gaps in information, skills and perspect... click here
Training Manual For Paralegals
Training manual for paralegals in Coastal region
Procedural Guide for Domestic Violence Act
Dalit Rights Primer
A primer developed by UNNATI, for human rights activists working on Dalit R... click here
Disability Rights Primer II
Part two of How can the Rights of persons with Disabilities be protected?; ... click here
Disability Rights Primer I
A primer on How can the rights of persons with disabilities be protected? P... click here