Building the capacities of social justice lawyers requires a little more than sharing case laws, judgments and other legal resources. It requires building perspective and orientations that enable the cause of social justice lawyering. It requires access to practical strategies and tools to negotiate an iniquitous legal system. It requires a learning system which responds to the specific needs of social justice lawyers working on different socio-legal issues. And most importantly it requires a free space where lawyers all over the country can share their experiences of engaging with the legal system, provide support to each other.
The Lawyers for Change platform reach out to lawyers through the Virtual Academy where they can access and contribute to:
- Legal Resources: Resources, materialsand opinions for developing the perspective, skills and knowledge of lawyers practicing social justice lawyering.
- Nyaya Manch: A forum for posting legal queries, sharing strategies, having conversations and initiating discussions on different issues.
- Events: Updates about upcoming events, conferences, webinars, discussions, etc. which lawyers can take part in both online and offline.
The resources shared on the Virtual Academy are createdby a community of content creators consisting of social justice lawyers, activists, practitioners, organisations, law students, faculty and individuals engaged in socio-legal issues across the country. The contributions are both in text, and audio-visual form. The space for contributing and sharing content is open to anyone, and it is encouraged that volunteers create resources based on individual experiences.An initiative of IDEAL Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), Lawyers for Change is run by an anchoring team housed at CSJwhich manages the platform, solicits and curates content sent by volunteers.
To know more about how you can contribute to Lawyers for Change please click here, and to get in touch please leave a message here.
About CSJ
IDEAL Centre for Social Justice established in 1993, is a socio-legal organisation working on access to justice and legal empowerment. CSJ fulfills its mandate by training and strengthening community lawyers and paralegals by building their capacities to deliver change-inducing leadership in their communities through a network of law centres. CSJ has also made path-breaking institutional interventions in the form of research, legal reforms and initiatives bringing together grassroots activism, law and policy-making on a wide array of issues affecting socio-economically marginalised and vulnerable groups.