Lawyers for Change has been designed as a democratic space which provides an opportunity to all lawyers to actively participate in creating a movement for social justice lawyering. This is a dynamic platform which can grow only with the support and contribution of social justice lawyers across the country. You can support the platform in a number of ways as mentioned below.
Talking About Discrimination
Social justice lawyers encounter facets of discrimination everyday. The discrimination could be personal or observed in the communities they work with. This forum seeks to bring together such experiences, where lawyers narrate their personal, or observed stories of discrimination while engaging with the legal system. To contribute you can send in an essay, a small write up or a story which you feel is important to share with the community.
Case Stories
The country is replete with stories that matter, where lives are inextricably interlinked with the law. Often social justice lawyers in the course of their practice find themselves to be on the trail of many stories of how law can contribute to social change. If you have a case story on the use of law for social change which can be a source of inspiration, learning and insights for others dealing with similar cases, you can share the same on this platform.
Nyaya Manch
The Nyaya Manch is a forum where you can initiate a discussion/debate/conversation on any legal issue. You can also send in queries about issues you are working on or respond to queries posted by other lawyers. Participate, by making an account on the forum and contributing to discussions or responding to queries.
School Chale Hum
The School Chale Hum project hosted by Lawyers for Change allows distant teaching, for it contemplates a virtual classroom where teachers can be present in any corner of the country. Make a ten minute video lesson explaining a law or an aspect of law, which can be uploaded for everyone to view, and contribute to discussions on the other such videos.
Other Resources
If you have any resource material that you have found to be useful in your practice or general perspective building, share it with us. It could be anything from a video talk, to an article, a judgment, interviews with other lawyers or any other legal document. It does not necessarily have to be created by you, but we encourage lawyers to create their own resources based on their experiences. Open source links are also appreciated.
Please send all your contributions to with your name, location and details of practice so we can attribute credit to you for the contribution.